homeworks as usual memang a lot...n complicated especially for physics i really get headache with it,,,papep0wn i'll try to make it understand and easy!!!whatever it is life must be enjoy...huk huk...right now i'm watching hani's movie and the story really make me feel so sad sometimes,,,
tomorrow i've to stayback because i've kokurikulum...sejak kebelakangan ni i always have to stayback at school because i've netball practice,,,i don't know whether i've been choosen or not but if i get that i'll be more grateful cause i really want to be active this year and for next year,,,
hurmm this morning i woke up late because i thought today was saturday n i thinking to myself why i kunci jam at 5.45 am then i just ignored it and continue sleep...then my grandma woke me up at 6.30 am and i remembered that today i must go to school because today is tuesday,,,but i'm not that rush cause i've my parent to sent me to school,,,luckily my house not that far from school...
hurmm i really fed-up with physics,,,it's so complicated but it's okay i will try my best to score that subject and try to pay much attention when teacher is teaching a lesson about physics and all that,,,i hope i can do the best!!whatever it is,how difficult it is i must think positive,,,because it is related to my future and it is for my future,,,chaiyok chaiyok chaiyok!!mehehe~~
i think today is very bored day because everytime teacher is teaching i feel very sleepy,,,sampai sekolah i really active at the first but dah sampai afternoon tetiba rasa mengantuk sangat,,,bile cikgu mengajar so i can't focus,,,then petang tu i stayback and i became active again because ada netball my hobby lorh!!!
sekarang ni i dah mula hubungan diplomatik dengan kelas 4 sains and 4 alfa,,,i mean become friend,,,
waktu nak balik liana tumpang kereta mom then terus pergi ambil my brother,,,lepas tuh balik rumah kejap...then keluar lagi nak ambil hanie and lysha from school...hanie pown ade netball juga n lysha sekolah agama...hanie dapat wakil sekolah tapi tak tahu ape dye punye jersey die...i think dye dapat GA kowt sebab die tinggi...but ble time shoot dye x dapat...die ceritalah at aku xde mase je aku nak tengok die main,,,pastuh kitorang 4 beradik selalu praktis main netball at belakang rumah hanie bile aku baling je at dye...mesti terlepas dye x pandai nak tetapkan bola at tangan die...tapi i wish her the best...harap dye dapat konker netball!!
*p/s : dah lama aku tak update blog kan??tu lah busy with my homeworks then my dad just give me half an hour for surfing internet on blog...hurmm =( ....papep0wn it is for my sackness,,,you are the best my parent...huhu =)
hissyyhh nyamuk ni mengganggu ketenteraman aku untuk menulis blog...shuh2 gi main jauh2...aku pijak terus jalan pergi mampos....hahaha jahatnye aku