now i'm watching this movie . so interesting and all the heroins are so cute and quite pretty . it's about a girl who used to be as a famous singer in that school . and she was killed by somebody . i don't really get it when i read the synopsis of this movie in wikipedia .
p/s : i really love to watch horror movies . especially korean and japanese . i want to watch evil twin but there wasn't a full movie yet . so i think i'll watch it part to part as i watch voice .
tomorrow is kak mina's birthday and i want to wish her tonight at 12 am . she will hold an event at her house for her birthday party but i could not attend because her house is too far away from mine . hurmm i wish i could go but just in my dream . but it's okay at least i'm going to wish her tonight .. huhu ~~
actually i'm watching an asian movie
the tittle is secret . it is chinese movie .
yeah it's quite interesting and i like the hero and the heroin .
the heroin is so cute with a short hair .
ok till the next entry
hari ini kerja kat kilang stress sangat sampai memebri effect kat perut aku and my head . aku kalau stress akan memberi kesan kepada perut dan kepala aku ... hurmm :'(
hari ini stress sebab aku kena tukar tempat kerja lepastuh sama meja ngan akak tuhh ... hurmm x suka x suka . lepastuh dengan botol packing lambat sampai . hurmm memberi kesan terhadap konsentrasi aku bekerja dan target ( output ) aku x dapat nak capai ... hurmm so sad you alls ..
terpaksa pulak menghadap dengan orang gila yang asyik dok terpandang-pandang lepastuh gelakkan aku .. isyyhh haii ... sabar je lahh !!! lepastuh dia suruh aku senyum pulak tuh . aku dah baran dah nih boleh lak dia suruh aku senyum . humm x pelah dia ingatkan aku utk senyum walau apa keadaan sekalipun . betul lah tuh . kalau kita senyum walaupun kita tengah stress dapat lah jugak menenangkan hati kita sikit .
ok sampai sini dulu ,, sekejap lagi aku sambung balik .. huahua ~~~