Aug 22, 2012

mirror mirror

hurmm semalam nak tengok cerita mirror mirror tapi ayah aku belum habis download lagi . hurmm so terpaksa lah tidur sebab dah mengantuk pukul 1 pagi baru habis . hurmm tak tahu lah semalam kenapa ngantuk sangat boleh lak tidur awal kul 12 pagi . tapi hari ini ayah aku nak bukak cite tuh lagi . my sis said that the heroin is really beautiful and cute . well let's watch today . semalam tengok cite snow white and the huntsman , not bad . kristen stewart acting

Aug 21, 2012

feeling better ...

semalam aku pergi singgah rumah kak long sekejap . tetibe zul dengan dak palo pun singgah beraya ... x sangka pulak diorang pun ade kat situh ... heisyy menyemak je ! wahaha semalam zul buat baik lak ngan aku nasib baik lah aku ni cepat cool then maafkan je lah kesilapa yang dia pernah lakukan . so aku ngan dia kira dah okay . alhamdulillah ...

hurmm sekejap tadi aku tengok cite snow white and the huntsman . best lah jugak macam cite cartoon but this one is a bit different . 7 dwarfs x de ... 

ngee ~~

Aug 20, 2012

Hari Raya Kedua

hari ini pergi jalan - jalan bersama saudara - mara ke rumah saudara - saudara yang lain . best tetapi penat tapi happy . dapat makan ketupat bersama kuah sup and cili yang teramat pedas . WOW tercungap - cungap aku makan . lepas tuh pulak minum air karbonat bergas mana tak lagi memedaskan tapi best wuu makan pedas - pedas walaupun x tahan pedas ... ngek !!!
esok raya rumah mak long noriah . pastuh nak raya rumah kak julai sekali . wahhh jalan - jalan memang best . tadi pun pergi raya rumah busu intan . hurmm suasana yang membosankan tapi nasib baik ada pak lawak , my pak lang . huhu die memang suka sangat bergurau ! 
then lepas dah beberapa minit kemudian kitorang pun balik rumah because my dad ade something nak kene buat . al maklumlah bisnes memang busy sikit . LOL
but the worst thing is i can't get my own shoes for raya this year because kesuntukan masa . yelaaa kitorang shopping last minute ... brrrr sangat menyedihkan Lorh ~~~ 
pape ar tak kesah pun .... hee ~~

p/s : i'm so happy + tired  = ;')
ignore it ... wanna watch zombie ... good good bye ~

Aug 19, 2012

before holiday

well i'm not supposed to read her blog because it will make me hurt . but it's okay i admit that what had happened before is my fault but you cannot blame me to all what had happened . this is not going to happen if someone can keep her secret ... i know i should have been keep quiet but no idon't know it's already past ...
so here i hope you can forgive me with a asincerely heart . you know what i've been sincerely apologize to u but why did you think negative about me ? yup i know i'm not the kind person like you thought anyway . but i hope we can be a friend like before . u know what ... every second we laugh together , we talk about each other , we have a fun together but now it's really obviously different . maybe this is because of me .
so from my sincerely heart i want to apologize to u . i hope u will never get any revenge towards me . i know it's difficult for u to forget all this but as a human we always make a same mistakes and mistakes . 
i just got to pray to allah . i have allah and my love to allah will be last long until the end of my life . 
i believe in allah's magic . 

p/s : what is happening must be have it reward . it's all allah's work and we can't deny it . 
        i really regret what i have done . 

well that day i've ask apologize to them all except boys . they are nothing to me . my friends really kind and nice and they are so awesome . i'm really impressed with them . they are beatiful from inside to outside . well i hope u can forgive all my mistakes and bad . but seriously i'd never feel any jealous to them and never want to revenge . but one thing i really think that i'm jealous and envy . they are all SMART and GENIUS . oh god i must beat them all . whahaha .... i hope we can be success in spm and answer with cool

Aug 18, 2012

tonight ~~

today is the last day of ramadhan and baru saje lepas iftar bersama families . baru je lepas kemas - kemas meja and the kids bermandi - manda di dalam kolam depan rumah . hurmm nampak seronok je . tomorrow dah masuk bulan syawal . feel so great ! lepas nih budak - budak tuh nak main bunga api pulak and aku ape lagi main game or blogging lorh ~~ 
besok x pergi raya mana - mana pun just stay at home with my family . memang selalu raya pertama x pergi mana - mana . apa yang paling best ialah adik - beradik my mom semua balik . pak ngah and mak ngah , pak lang , mak ndak  ... and ramai lagi .... wahh it must so wonderful time ... time -time macam ni lah seronok berkumpul satu big family . don't you guys feel the same way ?

p/s : feeling good ;)

Aug 17, 2012

fuhh !!!

esok dah nak raya so korang dah buat persiapan untuk hari pertama raya esok ? for me it's already complete . hurm rasa sedih pulak sebab ramadhan dah nak berakhir . entah tahun depan ada lagi ke tak . hari tuh dah lah terlepas malam lailatul qadar . RUGINYA . malam tuh aku ade bangun tapi aku tidur balik . hissyhh GERAMNYE . sedih sangat dan menyesal  :(
papepun harap - harap tahun depan ada lagi . 
baju raya aku warna dark brown . kasut tak beli lagi ! alamak cam mane nih ? sempat ke ? alamat aku x beraya lah esok ... 
aku baru je lepas main game angrybird . wehee ~~ best sangat but sometimes those pigs make me feel so annoyed . bom - bom x dapat jugak . hurmm ...
huh rase macam bosan sangat sepanjang duduk kat rumah . yelaaa my dad won't and never let me go out hanging with my friends due to my safety . kerja - kerja rumah semua dah hampir siap . huihh tu yang main game tuh sampai tak ingat dunia .. hehe ~~
blurr skejap sebab tak tahu nak tulis ape dah . 

p/s : selamat hari raya saya ucapkan kepada semuat umat islam . ampun maaf dipinta jika saya ada terlanjur perkataan . terutama sekali kepada sesiapa yang mengenali diri ini and kepada orang yang tersayang .

Aug 16, 2012

happy eid

hey guys ... i just want to wish happy eid to you all . well happy eid is just around the corner and ramadhan is almost over and i feel so sad ... sobbed :'(
hurmm so i want to apologize to whom that know me and i hope you suyg can forgive me especially to someone that i've hurt before .... i'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart . so i hope you can forgive me with sincerely and we can be friend just like always . i wish that will happen ... hurmm raya - raya jugak spm jangan lupe ! huhu ~~ but it's okay maybe this year i cannot be too enjoy but just wait for next year . wahhh raya sakan aku ~~
to form 5 science .... i wish you guys for a happiness in world and hereafter . i wish that we could get an excellent result for spm trial and spm soon . what is the most important is effort and pray to allah . 
to a few boys in my class that are always make me hurt feeling and being so overreacting ... it is too complicated for me to forgive them ~~ this is because they always make me mad , crazy and can't focus to what teacher's teaching during class . and they make me feel uncomfortable and all ... ouch why i've to go through all this bad situations . and korang pon tak pernah nak rasa bersalah terhadap apa yang korang dah buat sampai aku jadi gila (sometimes ) .... and gurauan korang tuh melampau sangat sampai kadang - kadang aku pun naik benci . apa - apa pun korang ni memang mulut laser and terlebih insurans . apepun semoga berjaya nanti . 
setiap aku lepas habis solat aku mesti doakan untuk rakan - rakan aku termasuk budak yang selalu sakitkan hati aku . dan aku berdoa semoga korang berubah kepada yang lebih baik dan diberi hidayah dan sama jugak dengan aku . 
hari tuh aku pakai tudung labuh bukan sebab nak menunjuk or sebab sengaja . tapi sekurang- kurangnya aku ada niat untuk berubah kepada yang lebih baik bukan macam kau yang x pernah nak berubah and tak tahu nak jaga perasaan orang . korang memang tak tahu kan nak jaga perasaan orang ? aku cakap semua ni daripada hati aku . aku tak tahu samada hati aku yang tengah luka berdarah mampu pulih . kalau pulih pun masih tinggalkan parut dan kesan yang dalam .aku harap korang dapat ubah perangai lama korang . 

p/s : ya allah ! semoga kami dapat menjawab dengan baik semasa percubaan spm dan spm nanti . kami berharap agar kau dapat membuka pintu hati kami dan terangi hati kami dengan cahaya Mu sebagaimana Kau menerangi bumi ini dengan chaya matahari Mu dan berikanlah kejayaan kepada kami di dunia dan akhirat . kami mohon agar Kau mengampunkan segala dosa - dosa kami dan rahmatilah kami dan tempatkan kami di tempat orang-orang yang beriman . amin amin ya rabbal a lamin .... doa ini ikhlas buat pelajar - pelajar spm seperti aku .... terutama 5 sains !