Jun 28, 2011

peRasAan ??

someone's feeling cannot be simply for us to play ... everyone have feeling !!! so here i want to talk about feeling ... okay if someone or many people doesn't like you , bagaimana perasaan anda ?? pasti upset or depressed kan ?? hurmm okay that's mean kita kena jaga perasaan diri sendiri dan orang lain terutama sekali kawan2 anda and family ... that's the most important ... jika orang ramai x suka anda so cari reason why people doesn't like you ... maybe your attitude ... kadang2 attitude ni membuatkan orang annoying and disgusting kan ?? so contoh nya ... selalunya girls ni macam girlish and that's normal according to me because girls kan mestilah feminine and all that ... tapi macam mana kalau over girlish ?? don't you feel annoying ... kalau aku pun aku rasa annoyed sebab over girlish kan ... bukan nak mengata cuma bagi pendapat ... i'm saying all this because aku pernah ada seorang kawan yang begitu kebudak - budakan and over ... so ramai complaint tanya kat aku kenapa dengan dia ?? aku menyirap betul !!! so aku tegur dia sebab dia sendiri nak pendapat aku then dia cakap nak berubah bagi orang lain mula suka berkawan dengan dia but perangai dia still the same dan nampaknya macam dia x bersungguh2 nak berubah ... aku x paham betullah ... aku bukan apa ... aku x sampai hati nak dengar orang kutuk2 pasal dia but sekarang kami dah x bertegur ... sebab aku sendiri tak tahu ... what a childish !!! kalau boleh aku harap dia berubah jadi matang sedikit ...

reLIeveD ...

i won't hurt my friends feeling so i don't post what i'm talking about them ... just want to express my feeling on blog and save it to draft and that's better and won't make things mess and in complicated situation ... and i feel so relieved and relieved !!!
okay now i'm very tired and have a lot of homework ... well just now at 3 pm my parents went out and i left at home alone ... they can't brought me along cause i'm still at school so as i came home i can't went in because the key of the house was at my daddy so i'd to sit outside ... while i'm sitting and listened to the music i pick up my book and do homework but it still not completed yet ... well i'll continue tonight ... i switch on the radio and louder the speaker ... and it was so cool and can released my stress away ... hitz fm and fly fm are my favourite radio ... ouchh ... WEML !!!