Dec 27, 2010


i love contact lense colour blue,grey,green


don't be shocked wif my first video coz there's a guy who has tatoo don't panick he is filipino guy i mean they are!!they aren't muslims so don't be shocked with that tatoo!!=)
enjoy the video it'll not harm ur ??? urmm wat ?? urmm iman??btowl ke eja dye cmtuh.,,,pape r so juz watch it!!

this is my first video!!Watch It Babe!!

MoymoyPalaboy-Philipines Guys


hurmm so slow,,,hurmm juz so slowwww!!c'mon,,,be faster slowerr


waiting??? ouh yup i'm waiting for my video to be uploaded,,,hurmm so slowww!!!hurmm i wonder what time it will finished i'm tired waiting for it!!L.O.L

late at night!!

hurmm tgh syok gyle mkn biskut n tea pastuh smbung tgk blogger ttbe aq tgk nightline kluar,,,
lorh dh pkul 12 am rpenye xsdr aq,,,,dh lwt mlm,,,hurmm no wonde nightline mncul dpn tv ,,,,
alaaa xkesah smlm p0wn aq tido kol 2 am jew p0wn,,,that's usual,,,,urmm ntahlah sjk kblkngn nie aq slalu tido lwt2 gyle,,,xlewat mne p0wn,,,

My Dodie

i love my Dodie,,,he is my soul n heart,,,he is evrything tome,,,i love you Dodie,My Dear!!hurmm i love him so much....he is soooo cute n handsome...muahhhhzxxx love u more Dodie!!My BF Forever,,,,


aq adew jmpe stu beg ni lwa gylerr,,,the price is RM 120 somthing igt nk bli tpy mommy aq sowh bleq cpt so xdpt aq nk bli,,,lwa sgtt chanteqq sgttt ske sgtt,,,huhu~~
papep0wn bialah,,aq xkesah sgt p0wn nan beg tuh sbb ntahlah maybe ntahlah i donnow wat to say,,,,hurmm ttbe aq rse moody sgttt maybe sbb mommy mrh at kitowunk tdy kowdd sbb mmkk,,,,hahahahahahaha,,,,,kitowunk ni jnis ske mmkk lpz kne sound bru terdiam,,,muahahaha klau x xde lah nk diammm!!aq rse aq moody bkn sbb tuh maybe de sbb laen kowdd...
ouh yup aq bru tringat maybe sbb aq dh lmeeeeee sgtttt x contact orank tuhhh,,,,i miss that person n really much tpy nk uat cmne that person xigt aq n aq p0wn jez wat donnow jelahh,,,arghh juz go to the hell lah beb!!u know dkt sape aq ksudkn dkt best frenz aq yg at KL,,,,hurmmm dye p0wn xkol aq,,L.O.L
hurmm juz forget bout it!!Damn It
WEIYH ble ko nk Kol Aq hah???Kerek seyh,,,forgetful fwenzzzz
aq xrpt sgt tpy bez fwen sng ckp urmm best fwenz tpy xrpt sgt,,,hurmm pape r,,,

hisyyyyyyhhhh!!!grmnyeeeeee!!!adex aq dok maen pastuh trlggr aq yg tgh syok menaip aq trows sound dye pdn mke dye,,,,,dye ckp terkena2,,,,ayik uat palat je nan aq,,,hisyyhh btowl lah dye nie...hate it so muchh,,,drpd shopping tdy asyik lggr aq,,,sket jew aty aq niyhhhh!!!sabar jelaaa,,,sabar separuh drpd faith
org islam slalu ckp!!

Back To School

oukayh if merepekmeripun pny tajuk kembali ke sekolah then my tajuk will be back to school!!i'm not copying you merepekmeripun juz mknenye yg sme kayh....huhu~~
okay xlme lagy skull akn buka n itu mmbuatkn aq bersmgt untuk study smula,,,,tpy ape yg pling sad skly i've to move to another school yg baguss tok aq cbb dh bnyk kisah at tbss n i hate that school dr first day aq msowk smpai skrg,,,aq xtaw knp maybe sbb suasne yg begitu mmbosankan aq n bdk2 dye trlalu kkmpungan kowdd(huwaa,,,ayt aq xley blaa),,,,so i'll move to smkn or smtdmz kowdd,,,,,aq plh programming computer klau xdpt maybe aq plih automotif at smkn,,,,aq ske bab2 kete nie,,,,ble aq dh de kete snglah aq nk ubahsuai jdy kete sport ke or watever,,,if possible larhh,,,,hahaxxx blowm mle skull lagy dh dok brgn apew lah aq niey...aicehhh
okay ttg azam baru aq xnk pk sbb thn lpz aq de uat azam baru dan itu sgt mengecewakan aq so thn ni simple2 je lahhh,,,just concentrate on my study that's all,,,,,aq xnk pk mslh2 papew dah aq juz nk pk psal dri aq,,,,haha ape slhnye skali-skala egois sket je xbnyk hahaxxx =p
aq nk strugle btowl2,,,,
umm bout kgkwn baru aq xkesah n aslkn aq bahagia n aq xkcau idowp hamba2 tuhan,,,,,urmmm preparing for this yer aq dh mmg ready sume cme tggl 3 brg shj....dompet,jam and aq lpe lah stu bnde tuhh,,,
well klau aq dpt hostel aq nk bli beg bsr yg baru untk diisi pkaian,,,xmaenlah beg angkat2 nie aq lbeh ske pkai beg tarik mcm usa tuhh,,,,hurmm sng n ringn
tpy klau xdpt xdelah so mknenye aq kne skull at smkn,,,,,bkn semakan tpy SMKNaning,,,,huwaaa jgn slh fhm deyhh!!aq bowsan hidop at kg aq nk hidowp luxury aq xbiase hidowp susahh....tpy nk uat cmne ayh aq buat biznez at snieyh,,,,hurmmm,,,aq xkesah klau mommy aq nk buat rumh baru n aq nk cpt2 umh tuh siap aq xnk dowk umh papan xselesa wktu siang,,,,hurmmm =(,,,mgkn bagi owunk bkn mcm aq maybe selesa kowdd!!!


hurmm mcm biase pagi2 bangun and trows buat ape2 yang patut,,,,suddenly i remember sumthin and trows gi at tefon n kol kak long but she wasn't at home her son pick up the phone....
 Her son : hello nak cakap dengan sape??
Me : urmm kak long ade??
 Her son : dye xde gy hospital
Me : huh gy hosp(shocked)...urmm kay xpe r...kay bye
 Her son : bye

i was shocked coz she said she want to bring me too with my sisters and her daughter and her little baby,,,,so i juz sit quietly and juz do nuthin....then i talked to mom about this and that!!

after a few hours like 1 hours then kak long datang and i ask her where did she go and she said she went to her school for a meeting,,,,she ask me whether i want to follow he go to hosp or not then i just agreed,,,,xsmpt nk mandi adek2 aq sume dah mandi so aq mandi at umh dye,,,,kitowunk brtolak kol 2.30 pm,,,,dah smpai tuh kne cari parking lak tuh...atoyai pntnyee...thanx to god coz dpt parking,,,aq igt un dh buat appoimnt trows jmpe doktor tpy kne tggu gax smpai nme dpnggil,,,hurmm bosan boring bored gyler gylerr,,,,

my cousin's children and my youngest sister main at playground mini,,,,dlm hosp tuhhh,,,aq tnggu nk dkt 2 hours perghh gyler lme.....mse cyte ptr katak nk start baru grk gy melaka,,,mle2 window shopping pastuh bru shopping...hurmm bez gax lah pnt p0wn adew,,,,,aku ni klau bli beg mmilih sket...xnk complicated xnk simple sgt...suddenly aq nmpx stu kdai branded ni jual beg n kasut,,,,so i took a look then aku mcm urmm nntilah kite round dlu then kalau xjmpe gax pergi situh blek,,,,aq ckp cmtuh at kak long,,,,,so kak long p0wn agreed then round & round akhirnye aq plih tmpt aq bli,,,cntik gyle beg tuh,,,,ske sgtttt
adew gak beg yg jnis jeans then adew beg prghh mmg lawa lah gax,,,,aq plih bag yg brownish stripe,,,,siap dgn ptung lagi pin at situhh,,,,,mmg comelll sangat!!!brand dye BARRY!!

lpz dh bli tuh aq gy tmpt fashion,,,,cntek2 baju dye,,,,aq ske sgt baju tido dye lawaaaa sgttt,,,,aq de brkenan nan baju ni taw bju jln2 then aq nk bli tpy mmndgkn kak long aq nk cpt so xjadi xpelah aq gi nan mommy aq jelaa nnti,,,,,pastuh kitowunk gy mkn2,,,,dh pnt brjln per lagy mkn2 laaaa,,,,then aq order chicken chop,,,hurmm mmg mknn favourite aq p0wn since i was a litlle cute girl aicehhh...hahaxx
okay adek aq lah ni slh fhm,,,,
the story begin.........
mle2 kitowunk dowk at mje mkn jauh siket drpd tmpt prmainn then kak long ckp duduk dkt siket nan playground mini tuhh so trpkselah kitowunk pndh......lpz dh mkn sdp tuh dh abez dh p0wn bru aq teringt yg aq tertinggl sumthing at mje mkn yg kitowunk duduk i ask my sister go n get it but dye pergi at tmpt yg slh,,,,,adew tge owunk chinesse at situ...adek aq dgn x sngje dye pergi amek beg plastik tuh then laki chinesse tuh tergamam awww...dye pk adek aq nk curi then adeq aq dgn mke tbl dye trows dtg at aq mrh2 aq.....sbb xbagitaw yg beg tuh sbnrnye adew at tmpt tdy yg kitowunk dudok...kbtulan beg tuh wrne sme hitam,,,,so adek aq igt yg dkt chinesse tuhh,,,,aq dgn kak long per lagy glk ar,,,,,then kak long say sorry at cina tuhh,,,pastuh aq trows gy amek beg plastik yg trtggl at tmpt mkn tdiy,,,,so chinesse tuh phm lah unn,,,,adeq aq ckp lain kali amek sndiri,,,hissyyhh,,,,,,,hahahahaha ksian dye,,,she thought that aq sngje nk knekn dye tpy dye sndiy yg slh,,,,spattnye dye ckp lah excuse me at cine tuh...atoyaiii!!!
luckily beg tuh xde sape yg amek klau x abez lah aq sbb beg tuh tgll stu jew lagy,,,,,

then ttbe my mommy kol ask us bleq umh cpt2 sbb dh nk maghrib,,,,,aq igt nk bli dompet,jam and pensil case tpy xsmpt sbb mommy aq sowh bleq awl,,,,then bleq umh
dlm prjlnn bleq tuhh aq trtido sbb kpenatan,,,,,,
hurmmm pnt tpy sronokkk!~!!berbaloilah tuh,,,,,,,,,,