Mar 11, 2011


aku punye flu,cough belum sembuh lagi,,,hurmm manyak susah meyh!!atoyaii susah-susah,,,why must aku yang kene??hurmm ....dah merah hidung aku macam badut!!sudah jangan gelak kan aku or ketawa...x baik taw~~
hurmm aku ni sensitive pada dust or something yang memang aku x suke...ouhchh maybe sebab aku pgang kapur and aku tulis at papan hitam...sir pang suruh aku buat jalan kerja add maths kat depan...hurmm maybe sebab tu kott!!alahaiii...dah lah banyak salah...maybe aku mase tuh tengah sakit kepala buku semua betul but at papan hitam ade je yang salah...hesyhh manyak hairan meyh!!whatever it is aku cube okayh
hurmm bile lah aku boleh sembuh??menderita hidup aku disini...hahahaxx ayat x boleh blaa jew
Mak Su Mah dah lame x update blog die...kenapa erk??windu lah at mak su mah ble nak datang lagi kat melaka??boleh kite jalan-jalan lagi...kutt window shopping ke then snap pix banyak-banyak,,,best's must be so great!!
ouchh lepas ni cerita heroes(hindu) ke x??aku tanye nih best ke tak??
huhu just kidding..mesti korang cakap nak tahu best ke x tengok sendiri...betul x tekaan aku??
how dare u to say that to me??how could u do that??
sedih aku kalau korang cakap macam tuh!!huk huk T__T

whatever lah...lupekan je lah...
aku rasa bosan sangat-sangat...sape tahu macam mane nak hilangkan bosan yang melanda diriku ini??
hurmm but hari lain bosan itu akan hilang sebab aku memang nak menghappykan diri aku pada musim cuti semester 1 nih....summer vacation lol
hik hik...tapi satu je yang menghalang aku...aku tengah x sihat..tu je,,,old people said minum air asam jawa then sume tuh akan berlalu dalam masa yang singkat dalam 3 hari je kudd...kalau x hilang that's mean ur viruses inside ur body is too strong n ur antibody is too u have to see doctor n eat ur medicine...macam mana nak sembuh mule2 rase dah laen macam terus minum air asam jawa sehingga 3 hari...kalau x baik jugak pergi jumpe doktor dan makan ubat mengikut mase yang ditetapkan...the most important makan nasi dahulu sebelum makan ubat...ada faham??saya pasti anda semua faham kerana saya taip berbahasa melayu bukan bahasa lain...
huhu just kidding lol
so cuti ni kite mesti enjoy...jangan lupe diri n dunia n akhirat sudah ler...

happy holiday
take care
enjoy your life always


well cuti sekolah for 1 week.So what we supposed to do this school holiday?
for smk naning students we have to do revision because after SH we will have exam...ouchh that's so great,right guys??well enjoy,enjoy juga buku kena buka~~ to whom who have finished their exam memang enjoy gile cuti ni erk!!u all just have to wait for ur result right??so i wish u all can get the best mark for all of ur subjects eventhough it's complicated,difficult or easy,,,after smk naning students have done their exam,teacher will start for the oral...untuk 4 science only,,,kitorang bodek cikgu lambat-lambatkan oral tuh supaya kitorang boleh hafal and nanti x de lah gagap...huhuk =D
hurmm rugi sangat sebab tak dapat nak join group TBSS,,,oh la la i miss u guys so much!!well i've somthing to do that's why i can't join u all lol!!so sadd =(
but it's okay i'll come to school tbss whenever i'm free!!mehehe~~ maybe 14/15 april...let's see the situation okayh ; )
part at school p0wn x jadi because the situation x mengizinkan it's complicated,,,but it's okay hujung tahun nih aku ingat nak buat party untuk group and 1 kelas kowdd...tengoklah macam mane!!
aku nak buat macam aku buat at tbss dulu...tiap-tipa tahun mesti ade party for group...eryn,anys,farah,mia,fyka...ustazah p0wn mse tuh ade jugak...memang best gile snap pic ramai-ramai bnyk pulak tuh..then record mase kitorang sing lagu vee-kantoi...hahahaxxx aku x tahu lagu tuh so aku senyap je yang lain dengan penuh semangat nyanyi lagu tuh...huhu tahun lepas nye party memang best gile!!but tahun nie aku x tahu lah..i know students smk naning x cam smk tbss but i'll try to get close with them all...menegratkan silaturrahim lah katakan...
after aku balik dari tempat aku nak pergi nanti aku beli something untuk budak2 4 science...untuk dax tbss atoyai bile kite nak jumpe??hahahaxxx
tunggu je lah mase yang sesuai okayh!!

Very Bored

i'm very bored n want to release i always said life is to be enjoyed n very simple so i open yahoo n play games at yahoo..just to try lorh,,,n it has been a long time i didn't play games at internet after the computer n laptop jammed n my father have to fix it,,,my father fix it alone,,,poor my daddy!!
that's why i always told u guys my father is the greatest one!!!i love my parent very much...mmmuahcccxxx


aku memang gile sakit hati hari ni waktu aku sedang menungu bas sekolah
okayh cerita die macam nih........

aku sedang berdiri menunggu bas sekolah datang menjemput aku.Tiba-tiba ade pulak student nih memain bende alah yang dinamakan glitter...die pergi letak kat muke aku...macam shiak betul!!luckily aku x taw sape budax tuh n aku x nmpx kau kalau x memnag kene lah kau nan aku...papep0wn after school holiday aku akan cari kau sampai aku jumpe kalau x jumpe aku x kire aku akan jumpe kau!!huishh panas je hati aku,,,aku try to eliminate it from my face tapi x boleh coz terlalu banyak naseb baek at my cheek...habes baju sekolah aku...agak2 r sikit aku punye kulit sensitive,,,hishyy!!macam jakun je x pernah nampak bende tuh pastuh nak baling at muke orang..luckily after school pape0wn aku tetap x kan maafkan orang tuh selagi die x mintak maaf,,,kalau terjadi ape2 at kulit aku memang lah kene ...


my examination will be held next after school holiday ouchh it will be difficult for me coz nak enjoy x boleh i've to do revision n prepare for the things that i supposed to prepare and teachers ade lah sikit bagi hint soalan ape yang akan keluar.huhu x adil kan aku taw but bukannya bulat2 p0wn teacher bagi just hint lol,,,
for 4 science good luck for ur exam eh~~ i always pray for u all larh...and fazira i know u can do the best u can prove that u can do...chaiyok =)
ouh gosh i'm not feeling well i've flu,throatache,fever and cough...hurmm my bad luck!!as for u all know why i become like this because of i'm very sensitive to dust and senang kene infections,,,choyy!! i've new story to telland share it with my lovely blog*

it's something about the latest student in form 4 in my school,,,whoever know that's good if u know coz ade sekali i post about her on my blog so whoever read it they know!!!

well yesterday i went to toilet with farahin...then aku sengaja tengok at dinding tandas apew yang diorang ni tulis lepastuh aku ternampak ZAINORA BAJET!!then aku fikir ade jugak orang x suka at budax nih aku ingat diorang boleh accept kehadiran die at sekolah nih....then die lax balas,,,
"kalau berani face to face r fight....ape barang maen tulis2 at dnding tandas x de standard...."macam tulah lebh kurang ayat yang dia bina,,,then aku ternampak akak 5 alfa nih die tulis "aku on jew beb....nak fight cari aku at ....."mule2 die tulis 5 alfa then die padam aku x tahu nape,,,aku taw sape akak tuh aku cume malas nak sebut kut orang kenal die kang aku just say her class name....well i donnow why many students x berapa nak kamcing sgt nan dax tuh including me,,,maybe because muke die nmpx sombong n showing off...kalau korang tengok maybe korang akan pandang slack je at die...ntah lah weiyh aku x taw die baek ke tak sebab perangai die remains the same...perangai die dr first school smpai sekarang macam tuh change
hurmm bajet new student r,,,aku x berapa nak ngam doe nan die...dah lah bajet then arrogant,,,okay x pe we will just wait and see bulan 4 nih....apep0wn aku sokong akak tuh...aku p0wn bukannya suka sangat nan dax tuh,,,

My Day...

hohoho...thnx to my friends yang wish aku hari ni,,,u all wish without present pun x pe coz wish p0wn dah cukup n aku happy lorh!!thanx sesangat n i appreciate it,,,although aku baru je masuk sekolah tuh korang wish aku dengan muke comel korang n i really terharu~~
even to day is my day aku x lah se happy mane coz my parent x dapat nak buat party tahun nie...just look at the situation it's really complicated maybe next year kalau panjang umur parent aku nak buat party so datanglah nanti...coz tahun depan situation dah berubah n more comfortable...itu cerita tahun depan lambat lagi's okay hujung tahun nih raye lah rumah aku,,,maybe rumah kampung ni dah jadi rumah banglo kowdd!!hahaxx
okay papep0wn thanx n i appreciate,,,