hurmm cyte tuh ary nih laz episod..hurmm sofea jady gylew,mia dh sihat n happy ending wif nizam and huda wif ramli..huhu~~xsngke aq tpy okeylah tuh drpd dye dowk kcau idowp nizam kann...hurmm bez gylew dye pny ending dye tuhh,,,tpy yg klakar gyle peah(sofea)jdy gyle i thought she accept ramli's love but dye jdy insane!!
papew r aslkn mia n nizam happy ending..wahahahahaaa,,,,
ouh yepp ary nih ary khamis un sowk ary jmaat..adew cyte ape eh sowk??hurmm,,,,hrp2 cyte bez2
hurmm aq ske tgk cyte tv3 drpd tgk astro....astro xbez so bored,,,,lgyp0wn my daddy xnk psg astro sbb xnk pljrn terabai gara2 astro...huhu~~itulah cytenye
Dec 23, 2010
mak su sowh i kol her but when i call her i can't reach her...she ask me too but why she didn't pick up the phone..maybe she was bz kowd...xpe2 nnty ppndailah aq kol dye blex..hurmm i can't wait for this saturday,,,my big day wohooo bezznyewrr!!jgn xjadi sdh hurmm nnty sdeyh lax aq..huhu~~
PadaMu Ku Bersujud
ku menatap dalam kelam
tiada yang bisa ku lihat
selain hanya nama-Mu Ya Allah
* esok ataukah nanti
ampuni semua salahku
lindungi aku dari segala fitnah
kau tempatku meminta
kau beriku bahagia
jadikan aku selamanya
hamba-Mu yang slalu bertakwa
ampuniku Ya Allah
yang sering melupakan-Mu
saat Kau limpahkan karunia-Mu
dalam sunyi aku bersujud
repeat *, reff
repeat reff
tiada yang bisa ku lihat
selain hanya nama-Mu Ya Allah
* esok ataukah nanti
ampuni semua salahku
lindungi aku dari segala fitnah
kau tempatku meminta
kau beriku bahagia
jadikan aku selamanya
hamba-Mu yang slalu bertakwa
ampuniku Ya Allah
yang sering melupakan-Mu
saat Kau limpahkan karunia-Mu
dalam sunyi aku bersujud
repeat *, reff
repeat reff
new Song
hurmm kli nih aq ltk lagu malay...ntah lnp...knpe eh??maybe sbb lgu ni sdpp n mnghayatkan aty kowd so aq hrp kowunk ske n hayatilah lagu nih sepenuh jiwa(xley bla ayt)hahahaha =D
papep0wn enjoy yupp....lagu ni brdsrkn Tuhan....
papep0wn enjoy yupp....lagu ni brdsrkn Tuhan....
monSter HouSe
hurmm monster house adex aq ni hah nk sgt tgk cyte tuh tpy bez gak lahhh....urmm yunk lgy sowunk ni lax nk tgk cyte toy story....bnyk kerenah lah diowunk nihhh...heisyhhh
tpy toy story tuhh dh bnyk kli tgk so aq ckp at adex aq yunk toy story tuh x leh bkk sbb dh dihapuskann....hahaha =D
bia lahhh.....hurmm who cares??urmm skunk nih aq nk dgr lagu japp...huhu~~aman dunia aq pkoknya...ooppsss trkeluar indon lax..haha tgk cyte alisa tiap2 ary so terbiase deyh....hurmm
alisa n evan mmg cocok...suka deyh...happy ending
tpy toy story tuhh dh bnyk kli tgk so aq ckp at adex aq yunk toy story tuh x leh bkk sbb dh dihapuskann....hahaha =D
bia lahhh.....hurmm who cares??urmm skunk nih aq nk dgr lagu japp...huhu~~aman dunia aq pkoknya...ooppsss trkeluar indon lax..haha tgk cyte alisa tiap2 ary so terbiase deyh....hurmm
alisa n evan mmg cocok...suka deyh...happy ending
selenA gOmez ft Demi LOvato
i love this and the same..huhu~~ love it so mush deyh....hurmm =D
hurmm ary tuhh aq de uat spaghetti...ntah knp aq nk spaghetti so my mommy bly bhn dye n sowh aq msk sndri so i juz agree then my mommy sdiekn bhn2 dye...and at last my mommy yunk uat spaghetti tuhh...huhu~~
mmg gyler sdp...spaghetti and prego...mmg pds n sdpp gylew
pastuh xckup so my mommy bly sos prego tuhh lagy sbb mommy juz add some chilli and daging kisar..tuh jew xssh kann??hurmm =)
mmg gyler sdp...spaghetti and prego...mmg pds n sdpp gylew
pastuh xckup so my mommy bly sos prego tuhh lagy sbb mommy juz add some chilli and daging kisar..tuh jew xssh kann??hurmm =)
WatChing Tv
hurmm tgh tgk cyte saka jentayu..hahaaaaa funny btowl antoo dye xsrm lgsung doe....hurmm wktu tayu kne rsuk je rse srm sket....tah pape antoo dye...wuhahaaaa,,,,,hurmmm apewlh director dye or pnerbit or arghh sape2 jelah...hisyhhh
ouH yUp!!
hurmm pgy tdy aq wake up in the mornink kowl urmm kol 10 a.m. so aq bngn then trows aq gy mndy pastuh siap-siap...siap-siap??nk gy mne??hah pe lagy amek result larh lol....then kowl 11 lebeyh cmtuh kitowunk grk sblowm tuh my daddy tgh lgsaikan bil phone at internet tuh yunk lmbt pergy...then aq rse cuakkk gyle doe...smpai skull kitowunk snggh bly roti japp pstuh bru amek result...
aq gy nan adex aq at dewan dh gyler takowd pastuh aq gy at cekgu ruhayah then dye ckp kne lgsaikan utg buku aq gy at car park then aq mnx duet at aq pergy dwan bleq then aq byr 50 notes at cekgu mohd nor...pastuh bru bley amek result tuhh....
hurmm nmpxnye my daddy xbrp nk satisfied wif my result....hurmm dh naseb huhu~~ =(
xpelah my mommy said spm kann adew lagy...msowk form 4 aq nk struggle study btowl2...hurmm
kay r aq mlz nk cyte psal bnde alh yunk dh lpz aq nk tkr story plax...hurmm apew eh??
aq gy nan adex aq at dewan dh gyler takowd pastuh aq gy at cekgu ruhayah then dye ckp kne lgsaikan utg buku aq gy at car park then aq mnx duet at aq pergy dwan bleq then aq byr 50 notes at cekgu mohd nor...pastuh bru bley amek result tuhh....
hurmm nmpxnye my daddy xbrp nk satisfied wif my result....hurmm dh naseb huhu~~ =(
xpelah my mommy said spm kann adew lagy...msowk form 4 aq nk struggle study btowl2...hurmm
kay r aq mlz nk cyte psal bnde alh yunk dh lpz aq nk tkr story plax...hurmm apew eh??
today all pmr students had got their rsult this mornink at their lovely skull = i juz want to say congrates to whom got straight A and 8 A....congrates,congrates i'm happy for u all but to whom got failed we can try on spm coz it will dtermined where we will go to u or college or no don't give up!!
well u all didn't ave to know my result coz i'm not goin to tell u all juz find out urself where u want to get the answer!! it's up to u all =),,,,thnx to whom always wish me for the bez especially to my lovely mommy and daddy...luv u all ;)
to whom got straight A or not plizz don't forget to thank to ur god cuz Him really help u all...=)
okay ryte now pmr story will end from my life....wait for the nex yer pmr story,...huhu~~
well u all didn't ave to know my result coz i'm not goin to tell u all juz find out urself where u want to get the answer!! it's up to u all =),,,,thnx to whom always wish me for the bez especially to my lovely mommy and daddy...luv u all ;)
to whom got straight A or not plizz don't forget to thank to ur god cuz Him really help u all...=)
okay ryte now pmr story will end from my life....wait for the nex yer pmr story,...huhu~~
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