Mar 11, 2011


my examination will be held next after school holiday ouchh it will be difficult for me coz nak enjoy x boleh i've to do revision n prepare for the things that i supposed to prepare and teachers ade lah sikit bagi hint soalan ape yang akan keluar.huhu x adil kan aku taw but bukannya bulat2 p0wn teacher bagi just hint lol,,,
for 4 science good luck for ur exam eh~~ i always pray for u all larh...and fazira i know u can do the best u can prove that u can do...chaiyok =)
ouh gosh i'm not feeling well i've flu,throatache,fever and cough...hurmm my bad luck!!as for u all know why i become like this because of i'm very sensitive to dust and senang kene infections,,,choyy!! i've new story to telland share it with my lovely blog*

it's something about the latest student in form 4 in my school,,,whoever know that's good if u know coz ade sekali i post about her on my blog so whoever read it they know!!!

well yesterday i went to toilet with farahin...then aku sengaja tengok at dinding tandas apew yang diorang ni tulis lepastuh aku ternampak ZAINORA BAJET!!then aku fikir ade jugak orang x suka at budax nih aku ingat diorang boleh accept kehadiran die at sekolah nih....then die lax balas,,,
"kalau berani face to face r fight....ape barang maen tulis2 at dnding tandas x de standard...."macam tulah lebh kurang ayat yang dia bina,,,then aku ternampak akak 5 alfa nih die tulis "aku on jew beb....nak fight cari aku at ....."mule2 die tulis 5 alfa then die padam aku x tahu nape,,,aku taw sape akak tuh aku cume malas nak sebut kut orang kenal die kang aku just say her class name....well i donnow why many students x berapa nak kamcing sgt nan dax tuh including me,,,maybe because muke die nmpx sombong n showing off...kalau korang tengok maybe korang akan pandang slack je at die...ntah lah weiyh aku x taw die baek ke tak sebab perangai die remains the same...perangai die dr first school smpai sekarang macam tuh change
hurmm bajet new student r,,,aku x berapa nak ngam doe nan die...dah lah bajet then arrogant,,,okay x pe we will just wait and see bulan 4 nih....apep0wn aku sokong akak tuh...aku p0wn bukannya suka sangat nan dax tuh,,,

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