Jan 28, 2013


yuppss !!!
tomorrow is my salary day . so i hope that i earn much money so that i can buy anything i like . and half of them i'll keep it for future . maybe tomorrow is my last day at joubert so the contract worker too . oh god tomorrow will be my happy ever day and my saddest day because i have to leave my friends there . i don't know when we will meet again . but i have their number and facebook . right now i'm using my mom's facebook . 
i should have not attend today but i have too because i'm afraid that my salary will be hold . 
oh yup i thought that ika is coming today but she didn't because she is not feeling well so i'm all by myself today . maybe syiida and ika will come tomorrow . - siapa tak nak gaji kan ? -
tapi ika still nak continue lagi till march . maybe aku cari kerja kat kilang lain kot . let's see hows the situation . or maybe i will just stay at home and doing house chores, laptop, and sleep during the day like an owl . ahahahah ~~
you know what it's realy difficult to make a decision . in making a decision we should not be too rush, stress, and we have to be relax and think twice . or not we will have to bear the consequence in future . 
hari ini kerja penat sikit sebab semua botol-botol packing nak kena masukkan dalam kotak . haiyyaa manyak stress woo . tapi aku tetap bertenang kerana aku x nak stress . bile stress otak aku jam and nanti tumbuh jerawat ... and pening kepala ... no way !!! so aku tarik nafas dan hembus sebanyak tiga kali . tepat 2.15 pm aku pergi solat . huiihh tenang sikit hati aku nih . kotak harituh dah habis then botol packing tuh kene masukkan dalam bakul . ni hah pulak tetibe kotak dah sampai so terburu-buru aku buat kerja . dan melambatkan lagi proses kerja aku ... 
sabar je lah !!!

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